
Okay, so it’s already September 13 and I haven’t posted my September TBR list. It’s been a very busy few weeks so I’m sorry I haven’t been posting. Definitely have to try to set a schedule and stick to it. A lot has gone on lately- I’ve been going to information sessions about jobs, shopping, and reading- A LOT. I went shopping the other day and tried the most amazing tea from Teavana. Who doesn’t love a nice mug of tea and a good book? I will be posting a review of the tea I tried there and also telling you about my purchases in another post. Also, I was at the recycling depo the other day and found out they had a bookshelf where you can “give books a second chance”… Of course I had to go through all of the books… I only found 3 I was interested in, but I got books so I was happy. Tomorrow I will post a list of the books I have so far gotten in September. Finally, I’ve been trying out some new recipes so I’ll also be doing reviews on those- although I’m starting to think that I might start a new blog that only focuses on food. Anyways, this weekend there are a number of festivals occurring in my neck of the woods so I’ll be heading out to check them out.

Keep reading!
Book loving hippo

Ps- I was so excited I got selected to review a book- my first one!!! I am so excited 🙂

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