Top Six Tuesday: World’s I Wouldn’t Want to Live In


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly/feature meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

The Broke and the Bookish decided to do this week’s meme as Top 10 world’s you wouldn’t want to live in. To be honest I never even considered what worlds I wouldn’t want to live in. I mean who wouldn’t want to live at Hogwarts or visit Narnia?! Never has it crossed my mind that there might be places I wouldn’t want to live! I tried to come up with 10 places but only managed to come up with 6.  Continue reading

Winter Wishes Read-a-Thon

It is bloody cold outside and I am definitely NOT planning on venturing very far this weekend, so I figured I might as well join the Winter Wishes Read-a-Thon (I mean I am planning on reading anyways!). Below are all of the details if you are interested in participating. Also, my goals are below. 

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Book Tour: Clan by Realm Lovejoy (Review + Giveaway)

Clan by Realm Lovejoy
336 pages
Published: 11/12/13
Clans are Unity.
No variation. No deviation.
On Clades, to be
a Clan is to be an exact copy. A perfect society cloning themselves to
survive, even as the zombielike Frags threaten to overrun them on an
unforgiving planet.
Clan 1672 (privately known as Twain) was never
supposed to survive the Incubation Tank. But he did. Illegally. He is
different from the other Clans.
A secret that could destroy him. Continue reading

Blog Tour: The Promise by Apryl Baker

the promise cover

Title: The Promise (Coven #1)
Author:  Apryl Baker
Release Date: 08/25/13

Summary (from Goodreads):

Armed with kick-ass shoes, can CJ stop a maniacal coven leader, save the town, and still get Mr. Melt In Your Mouth Gorgeous while surviving the darkness coming for her?

The smoke from the fire burned her eyes, its heat caressed her skin and the taste of fear choked her. She was going to burn just as her ancestor did all those centuries ago in New Salem Village. How could she have been so wrong about everything?

Cassie Jayne Bishop grew up the only non-believer in town of Coven. When a stranger comes to the sleepy town of New Salem, everything she thought was true unraveled around her. Ethan made her question everything, even her sister’s death. Clues start to pile up and Cassie is determined to find out if the Coven was the real reason her sister died.

What she uncovers terrifies her to the very depths of her soul…. Continue reading

Join the Stephanie Thomas Street Team

Want to get a chance to read Stephanie Thomas’ books before they hit shelves? What about getting other perks such as “swaggalicious swag, sneak peeks at WIPs, writing mentoring and other cool opportunities”? Then you definitely want to join Stephanie Thomas’ Street Team!

Stephanie Thomas is the author of Luminosity (The Raven Chronicles #1) and has some other amazing books coming out this year!


You can check out her website or send her an email at: stephaniethomasbooks (at) gmail (dot) com with the following information:

First Name


Favorite Book(s)

What was the last book you read?

What book are you currently reading?

How active are you online?

A sentence or two about why you’d like to be on the team

#Boutofbooks 9.0 Wrap Up

Bout of Books has come to an end and I have to say that this time around I was quite successful. As I mentioned, I managed to finish 2/4 of my goals, and with todays post (which I’m counting), I will have completed 3/4 goals. My last goal of visiting blogs and commenting was not as successful. I did visit other people’s blogs, but rarely commented. I really have to start taking more time to comment on other people’s blogs, especially since I know it takes a while to create a post.

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